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More than a thousand climate lawsuits have been filed worldwide since 2015. In recent years, an increasing number of cases have succeeded. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Switzerland had violated the European Convention on Human Rights by failing to adequately address climate change.
What characterizes this legal development globally? How does it affect Norway, and why do the lawsuits increasingly involve human rights? How will this impact the work of environmental organizations, the media, and public administration?
Tine Larsen, lawyer and partner at Dæhlin Sand Advokatfirma. She has extensive experience in energy and environmental law, primarily at the local and regional levels
Yann Robiou du Pont is a climate researcher who advises nations on how to meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement.
Andreas Heian Slettevold, PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.
Moderator: David Chelsom Vogt, University of Bergen
Klimafestivalen Varmere Våtere Villere
This event is a part of the Climate Festival Varmere Våtere Villere 2025. The festival programme goes over three days in Bergen from the 12th to the 14th March, and consists of everything from debates and talks to concerts and live podcasts.
Festival passes, day passes and event tickets for all events are available.